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Julia Humphreys Designs

Gift time

Aha yes, it's that time of year, when as summer fades into autumn, the leaves turn colour and begin to fall, the clocks go back as the days become shorter and my attention to turns to well, wait for it - Christmas!

Sorry, I said it, it's out there. With just short of ten weeks to go I've already found myself buying the odd gift here and there. Those aha moments when you see something for a loved one - when you weren't even looking!

Rather than stick to my usual spreadsheet list on Google Docs (bit boring I know) I thought I should put my pattern skills to good use and create something more exciting and visually appealing - so here it is my Christmas Gift List

I've included everything I usually have on my spreadsheet, so name, lines for gifts, a little tick box for when it has been purchased and a budget line too. I like to keep a track of my Christmas spending so it doesn't spiral out of control.

Christmas gift list form to complete
Christmas Gift List

I think it could be a strange Christmas this year, but I still want to create one that is relaxing, filled with gratitude and love.

If you're thinking about your Christmas gift list why not download and print a copy for yourself.


Julia x

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